Easy Pal Sstv Frequencies

11/2/2017by admin

3 Up SSTV CAM S low S c an T V Software Digital Thanks to Erik VK4AES Digital SSTV software is based on ( DRM) which is an open standard system for transmitting digital signals. Requires to operate correctly• from Erik VK4AES from Erik VK4AES.

Easy Pal Digital SSTV Software. SSTV converter by DL4SAW. Analog SSTV Nets & Frequencies. Special thanks to KB4YZ. Back to home page. Jul 12, 2011 - The most common program in use today is 'EasyPal'. Development of this program is coordinated by Erik Sunstrup VK4AES. EasyPal can be downloaded by clicking the following Link Analogue slow scan builds up a picture progressively - line by line - until the image is complete. Digital SSTV works on.

Look for reviews of this software • also from Erik VK4AES Analog - VERY popular! This page has everything you need to get started. Thank you Mako! • Version 1.6 available. Review of this software can be found • SSTV converter by DL4SAW. Version 2.3 available • Development seems to have stalled on this program, but it is available from the link. • SSTV • MScan Meteo also available from this website John KE5RS has made it possible for anybody to create a SSTV page; including me.

Easy Pal Sstv Frequencies

KE5RS website for Thank you John! Digital Calling Frequencies Including SSTV 160 Meters (1.8-2.0 Mhz) 1.800 - 1.810 Digital Modes 1.810 CW QRP Calling Frequency 1.800 - 2.000 CW 1.843-2.000 SSB, SSTV and other wide band modes 1.830-1.840 CW, data and other narrowband modes, intercontinental QSO's only 1.840-1.850 CW; SSB, SSTV and other wide band modes, intercontinental QSO's 1.910 SSB QRP 1.995 - 2.000 Experimental 1.999 - 2.000 Beacons 80 Meters (3.5 - 4.0 Mhz) 3.560 QRP CW calling frequency 3.590 RTTY DX 3.580-3.620 RTTY / Data 3.620-3.635 Packet 3.710 QRP Novice/Technician CW calling freq. 3.730 SSTV 3.733 Digital SSTV 3.790-3.800 DX Window 3.885 AM calling frequency 40 Meters (7.0-7.3 MHz) 7. Irc 67 2010. 040 RTTY DX QRP CW calling frequency 7.058 40m Digital SSTV Europe 7.080-7.100 RTTY / Data 7.100-7.105 Packet 7.110 QRP Novice/Technician CW calling freq.

SSTV Links

• QST July 1998, pp. 32-36 With free software and about $15 in parts you can operate FAX and SSTV.

• QST April 2001, pp. 68-71 Swap pictures on 10 meters around the world. • QST Feb 1993, pp.31-36 Experience high-quality fax on HF, VHF and UHF! Here's an exciting, simple and inexpensive approach to fax - for ALL! Ayn Rand Der Ursprung Pdf Download here. • QST Jan 1993, pp. 20-30 Ham stations equipped with an IBM PC-compatible computer now have another use for it - SSTV!

(A hardware solution) • QST September 1997, pp. 53-56 Who says hams should be heard and not seen? (A software solution).