The Truth About Muhammad Robert Spencer Pdf

2/9/2018by admin
Aziza Ahmed

Aug 25, 2014 - —PJ Media. “Robert Spencer has displayed brilliant scholarship and fierce courage in his previous books. Spencer leaves few rocks unturned in his search for the truth about Islam and Muhammad.” —Capitalism. Was it ever translated into arabic and distributed in PDF form? I recall before it.

Northeastern University School Of Law

297.6/3 BT1170.S657 2006 The Truth About Muhammad: Founder of the World's Most intolerant Religion (2006) is a book by, the director of and. In the book the author proposes to present an account of what said and did from the writings of the early biographers of Muhammad such as,, as well as the and the collections of and. Mame Download Roms Pack.

In the examination of the early sources, Spencer gives his view on the events of Muhammad's life which are invoked by contemporary Islamic clerics, governments, advocates and today as a standard for their behaviour. The book aims to draw a connection between Muhammad's legacy and modern day practices like and, punishments such as for and for theft, execution for as well as the and doctrines adopted towards non-Muslims, as found in some parts of the. The book was on the for the week ending October 14, 2006. Contents • • • • • • • Response [ ] criticizes the book as follows: Like any book written in hatred, his new work is a depressing read.

Spencer makes no attempt to explain the historical, political, economic and spiritual circumstances of 7th-century, without which it is impossible to understand the complexities of Muhammad’s life. Consequently he makes basic and bad mistakes of fact.

Even more damaging, he deliberately manipulates the evidence. When discussing Muhammad’s war with Mecca, Spencer never cites the Quran’s condemnation of all warfare as an ”awesome evil”, its prohibition of aggression or its insistence that only self-defence justifies armed conflict. He ignores the Koranic emphasis on the primacy of forgiveness and peaceful negotiation: the second the enemy asks for peace, Muslims must lay down their arms and accept any terms offered, however disadvantageous.

There is no mention of Muhammad’s non-violent campaign that ended the conflict. People would be offended by an account of Judaism that dwelled exclusively on Joshua’s massacres and never mentioned Rabbi Hillel’s Golden Rule, or a description of Christianity based on the bellicose Book of Revelation that failed to cite the Sermon on the Mount. But the widespread ignorance about Islam in the West makes many vulnerable to Spencer’s polemic; he is telling them what they are predisposed to hear. His book is a gift to extremists who can use it to ”prove” to those Muslims who have been alienated by events in Palestine, Lebanon and Iraq that the west is incurably hostile to their faith. To this Spencer replied: “ This is, of course, a familiar tactic of,, and those who sympathize with them: characterize any accurate report of their activities as 'hatred.' Proxima Nova Bold Font more.

Never mind that my book works strictly from the earliest extant Sunni Islamic sources, and only reports what they say. If there is any 'hatred' in it, it comes from Sunni sources, not from me. [.] Reading this, I doubt Armstrong actually read the book. Or maybe she just wants to make sure no one else reads it.

In fact, anyway, the beginning of chapter three, and many other passages throughout the book, are devoted to explaining 'the historical, political, economic and spiritual circumstances of 7th-century Arabia. ” The government of confiscated all copies of the book and banned it on 20 December 2006 citing 'objectionable material' as the cause. Spencer responded that the book does not assert anything that is not readily verifiable in the sunni sources he provides. Reviews [ ] Deepika Bains and Aziza Ahmed strongly criticized the book, pointing out structural problems, as well as 'deep substantive flaws', such as unfounded assertions and conclude that: 'With its lack of analysis, absence of historical context, and gaps in information.