Aurora Borealis Draughts Serial Podcast

6/23/2018by admin

I just hit publish on which marks the end of my show’s first season. Mit Erfolg Zur Dsh Pdf Viewer more. The second season of the show is in the works (along with some exciting developments), but for now, I just want to sit back and survey this renaissance of podcasting.


In 2008, I was working for the public radio show that would become, but I wasn’t happy. My job was primarily technical, not creative. I booked guests, did research, wrote promos, fact-checked, proofread scripts, and occasionally cut tape. What I really wanted was to make radio stories of my own, and, on a freelance basis, for a show called Weekend America. But then the economy crashed. Weekend America got canceled just before Christmas, so I no longer had a show I wanted to work for. Anti Deep Ze 0.4 more. I wound up quitting my job that spring and taking a new job teaching writing.