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Hanratty (most often referred to as 'the father of CAD CAM') developed PRONTO – the first commercial numerical control programming CAM system. 1959 Stromberk Carlson developed a system which interpreted graphics on some kind of tape and output these graphics on screen or printout graphics on special papers.

1960 John McCarthy invented the LISP (programming language used in AutoCAD ® until now) 1963 Ivan Sutherland (MIT‘s Lincoln Laboratory) developed the program named SKETCHPAD on the TX-2 computer and demonstrated the basic principles feasibility of computer aided engineering drawing. This is considered to be the first step to CAD industry. But still it was not commercial product yet. Georg Nemetschek founded his company as a civil engineering office in this year. 20 years later it started to produce well-known AEC system named Allplan. 1964 ITEK company developed CAD software research system named 'The Electronic Drafting Machine' for PDP-1 computer. Input commands were done with an electronic light pen and a large disk memory device used to refresh the graphic display.

Consequently - Digigraphics division of Control Data Corporation released the first commercially available CAD software system - which was a successor to ITEK's earlier CAD software. It was priced at $500,000 per unit (only a very few units were ever sold).

Hanratty co-designed CAD system, named DAC (Design Automated by Computer) at General Motors Research Laboratories. It was the first CAD/CAM system using interactive graphics (enabled to type car description, rotation, and viewing from different angles). Although DAC was said to be incredibly useful at its time, GM discarded the system when it upgraded its hardware. 1965 The Lockheed Corporation introduced its CAD/CAM system, and FEM system named CADAM (Computer Augmented Drafting and Manufacturing). 1966 McDonnell Douglas Automation Company ( McAuto) introduced its patented CAD program named CADD - originally developed for solving different geometry problems. The program only ran on very expensive IBM mainframe computers. 1967 Ford Corporation introduced its CAD named PDGS 1968 Georg Nemetschek company started to develop software, initially only for in-house use 1969 More companies introduced their first commercial CADs at the end of the 60s. It is necessary to mention at least Applicon, Auto-trol, Computervision (sold its first commercial CAD system to Xerox), Evans & Sutherland, MAGI (released commercial 3D CAD Syntha Vision), McAuto, SDRC and United Computing (nowadays known as UGS).

1970 M&S Computing was founded (later becomes Intergraph) – At the beginning it was a consulting firm that supported government agencies in using digital technology. 1972 The first 3D solid modeling program SynthaVision from MAGI (Mathematics Application Group, Inc.) was released - not as CAD software but as a program for performing 3D analysis of nuclear radiation exposure.

3D models in this system were solid models similar to models used by later 3D CAD software. MCS company released its first CAD named ADAM (Automated Drafting and Machining), it ran on 16-bit computers, and it was one of the first commercially available mechanical design packages. The user interface of ADAM was already controlled by menu. 1973 United Computing introduced UNI-GRAPHICS system. It provided basic 2D modeling & drafting functionality and supported 14 layers. The Hillman Trust purchased Auto-tro and announced Auto-Draft, one of the first turnkey graphic systems available.

1975 The French aerospace company, Avions Marcel Dassault (AMD), purchased a source-code license of CADAM from Lockheed and three years later began developing a 3D CAD software program named CATIA (Computer Aided Three Dimensional Interactive Application). 1976 MCS introduced AD-2000, a design and manufacturing system for the first 32-bit computers. Tv Tuner Pci Card Philips 7130 Software.  This CAD was the direct successor of the ADAM United Computing, and their UNI-GRAPHICS was acquired by McDonnell Douglas ( McAuto). 1977 Nemetschek started selling its 'Programm system Statik 97/77' for civil engeneering. Avions Marcel Dassault started developing the forerunner of CATIA named CATI. Its major advance over CADAM was real approach to 3D modelling. 1978 Herb Voelcker developed solid modeler named PADL (Part and Assembly Description Language), which was subsequently used in several commercial 3D solid modeling CAD software programs.