Ge Security Smart Connection Center Manual Arts

11/25/2017by admin
Ge Smart Connection Center Accessories

My home is wired for cat5 connectors in all rooms. A GE connection center is the main box. To share the internet connection, I must move my cable modem and router to the main GE box. My cable modem and VOIP Linksys router RT31P2 are located in my office with both telephone lines hooked to telephone and one to fax. The main box is in a closet. Can I just add another router at the main box, move my cable modem to the box and continue to use the current router with VOIP where it is now?

Ge Smart Connection Center

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How do I make the two routers work together? Also, my cable provider 'Cable America' must have the mac address before I can get access to the internet. Any help here greatly appreciated. Henry Jenkins.

I'm going to follow how your connections should go from the outside in. Please don't take offense at how much I'm going to break this down, but I don't know your skill level and don't want to leave any room for error. The coax goes from the wall into the cable modem which has a Cat-5 line coming out into one of your LAN jacks on the wall connecting it back to your GE switch. The line that is connecting it to your GE switch needs to go into the WAN port, not just any port on the switch. Plug your LinkSys VOIP router into another wall jack leading to the GE switch, the same as you would for any other PC or networked device. Your ISP would need the MAC address of the WAN port on the GE switch, which they should be able to get as soon as you plug the cable modem into it.

If not, I can tell you how to figure out what it is. If you have a coax cable coming into the closet where the GE switch is you can put it in there, it won't make a difference as long as you plug the Cat-5 cable into the WAN port on the GE switch. Let me know if this helps. But here is the skinny. I moved the cablemodem to the GE connection center.

I attached coax data line in to the cablemodem. I connected cablemodem ethernet jack to the GE connection center cross connection board(there is an rj45 connector there for each room). I had to connect the rj45connecotr to connector for my office in the rear of the house. And then the connector in office I connected to the router wan port. And the computer I am writing this reply on is attached to my router. Now I am happy.

Technically, I am not sure how all this data is finding the router, it works, so I not griping.